Join Our Circle of Generosity

Why Donate

Our children learn early in life about the beauty of generosity. They are taught to give what they prize most so that they may taste the happiness of giving. In American Indian culture, giving is a way of life. We invite you to join us in our grassroots effort to build relationships, public awareness, and the gifts needed to sustain and grow our unique Native-led community foundation. Your gift can support our current operations or we can help to create your own permanent resource for giving.

“My original pledge to Tiwahe Foundation was about giving back to the community through an impactful organization. Now, my wife and I also give to teach our son about the importance of giving and to show him the value of generosity in action.”
-Daniel and Leah Lemm

Ways to Give

  • Make a Gift Online

    You can support the Tiwahe Foundation general operations through a one-time donation or set up automatic monthly deductions from a credit card, checking or savings account. Online donation here.

  • Endowment

    Dedicate your funds to the endowment for our American Indian Family Empowerment Program (AIFEP) to ensure a lasting legacy of giving.

  • By Check

    Mail to Tiwahe Foundation

    332 Minnesota St. Suite W1520

    Saint Paul, MN 55101

  • Make a pledge payable over time

    You can set the pledge amount and payment schedule. Your pledge will be automatically deducted from your checking, savings or credit card. This helps increase your ability to make a major gift spread over time.

  • Make a gift in honor or memory

    You can make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one. The name of the person you honor will be included in our annual report.

  • Designate your gift

    You can designate to the Tiwahe Foundation through the United Way or Community Shares of Minnesota.

  • Company matching gift programs

    If your company has a matching gift program, you could double your gift.

Create a Permanent Legacy

By including the Tiwahe Foundation in your will as a legacy to support American Indians in Minnesota. To add the Tiwahe Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, estate or retirement plan, please contact the Foundation Administrator at 612.722.0999 or by email: [email protected].

Through other planned gifts such as naming the Tiwahe Foundation as a beneficiary in your life insurance, IRA or qualified retirement plan, charitable remainder/lead trusts or a gift annuity.

Stock Transfer Information

Brokerage Firm: Southwest Securities Corp
DTC# for Southwest Securities, Inc.: 279
Tiwahe Foundation Account number: 708374175

Southwest Securities, Inc.
1201 Elm Street, Ste. 3500
Dallas TX 75270

Robert Shepard
Capital Management Securities
Phone 952.746.1108
Tiwahe Foundation Tax ID#: 26-4377588

Tiwahe Foundation contact
Office: 612.722.0999
Email: [email protected]

Donor Privacy

The Tiwahe Foundation honors all donor requests with regard to keeping, publicizing and/or sharing donor information and discontinuing contact.